Warkworth History Millennium Archive

Cow leaving dwelling in Castle Street

In 2000 Warkworth History Society invited local people to donate, or lend for copying, documentary material and photographs for a proposed millennium exhibition to depict life in and around the village during the twentieth century. The response which included artefacts, costumes and uniforms as well as oral history, formed the basis of a fascinating exhibition staged in St Lawrence Church during August 2000.
Over the ensuing years more and more documents, letters and photographs were donated and more research carried out until, towards the end of 2007 Dr John West a noted historian and archivist agreed to catalogue the collection.
The resulting Archive Catalogue runs to over two hundred pages and references one hundred documents and fourteen hundred photographs held on compact disc. It is not merely a list but a synopsis of the material held. It provides a fascinating insight into past Village life, including: burgage structure, minutes of Parish Council meetings, records of the Victorian school, Court Leet and local Militia, Tithe and Enclosure records and plans, census records, details of Pageants, Flower Shows etc.
It was the intention to permanently display the materials collected, however this was found to be impractical due to lack of suitable premises within the village..
This extensive archive has therefore been deposited with the Northumberland Record Office at Woodhorn for safekeeping.
A copy of the Catalogue is still however held by the History Society and is available to view.