Warkworth Castle and the village Cricket Club. Photo Richard Booth
The society was formed in 1994 to bring together local people with an interest in history.
Meetings are held monthly from October to May at 7.30 p.m.

Location: Warkworth War Memorial Hall, 40 Castle Street, Warkworth, NE65 0UN
Annual membership is £10 or single non-member visits £4. Everyone welcome.
For more information e-mail: warkworthhistorysoc@gmail.com

Warkworth History Archive

In 2000 Warkworth History Society invited local people to donate, or lend for copying, documentary material and photographs for a proposed millennium exhibition to depict life in and around the village during the twentieth century. The response which included artefacts, costumes and uniforms as well as oral history, formed the basis of a fascinating exhibition staged in St Lawrence Church during August 2000…… see more

Magna Carta Barons

The Baron of Warkworth, John FitzRobert, was one of the principal rebel barons who secured the charter from King John in 1215.
At Runnymede, beside the Thames, the baronial army met King John in June 1215 and there, 24 of their barons and the Mayor of London were chosen to ensure the king kept his word….. see more